Monday, September 10, 2007

The Word in the World

In the beginning was the Word..., and the Word was God.... In him was life, and that life was the light of men.... There came a man who was sent from God.... He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. (John 1:1-7)

Scripture says that the world needs the Word--a life-giving Message. This Message was the source of the world's origin, and it is still its source of life and light. Without it, the world is dark and dead.

Jesus is that Message, and as he was sent into the world to reveal God, God continues to send men and women into the world to embody and proclaim the Message.

By God's grace, I am sent as a witness to the light, a carrier of the Message. The world needs the Word. God's plan is that through me people will hear and see and believe. What an honor! I feel unworthy and inadquate to that calling. The good news is that so has every other person that God has used. I have to always be asking, "Is Jesus being seen in me right now? If I began to share the Message with someone right here and right now, would they see him in me? Would they see evidence of the truth of my Message?" It's not enough to show Jesus sometimes. Unless I live that way all the time, the Message will be weak and uncompelling. It needs to bleed from my veins.

Lord, make me a faithful witness who does not withhold my testimony. Amen.

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