Monday, September 17, 2007

Kingdom Growth

Some of John's disciples came to him and said, "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan...well, he is batpizing, and everyone is going to him." (John 3:26)

(Couldn't help but journal at least twice on John 3.) Jealousy. It infects even the purest hearts. Servants of God's Kingdom have such a hard time distinguishing it from their own. Churches get in a huff when another church in town is drawing more people than they are. What if our unspoken mantras were printed on our marquees? "We aren't growing, but we criticize churches that are." John showed that he was truly in this for Jesus and not for himself. Why can't we do the same?

In my ministry, I must decrease and Jesus must increase. The church(es) I plant will place a core value on Kingdom growth, wherever and with whomever it may happen. We will applaud the ministry successes of other churches.

God, guard my heart from jealousy. I renounce my claim that you use me more than others. Jesus, it's all about you. To you be all the glory. Amen.

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Anonymous said...
