Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Little Goes a Long Way

...a great crowd...bread for these people to eat?...five small barley loaves and two small fish... Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed... When they had all had enough to eat...filled twelve baskets... (John 6:5-13)

Observations: Jesus wants to meet people's needs. What seems like little to offer, when given for Jesus' use, multiplies in its benefits. He is a God of plenty, not a God of want. And he provides generously for those who serve others alongside him (12 baskets for 12 apostles).

Application: I often feel like I'm trying to feed and meet the needs of large crowds with just a meager sack lunch. Bottom line, I'm inadequate. All my skills, all my training, all my experience, still inadequate. But I'd rather people be fed by Jesus than by me. He is the Life-giver, not me. Since I know that, I can bring my little to him and he will multiply its effects exponentially. I love that thought of exponential growth of my influence. And on top of that, I can count on him to fill a basketful for me.

Jesus, I'm willing to share what I've got to offer. I know it's not much, compared to the need, but take it and use it. I know you won't waste it. I won't doubt or deny what you can do through me and for me. Amen.


Unknown said...

I am looking forward to your daily blog. You will continue to "feed" me with words from your heart and God's wisdom. Twitty B.

Unknown said...

Chris, thank you. I enjoy the blogs. They are thoughtful and very good. rodger