Monday, February 7, 2011

Double Your Joy

I'm back online after a long hiatus from blogging devotional thoughts! I hope this tool will help you grow through the week as you follow along with me in your own devotional reading of God's Word. Let's start reading the book of 1 John together and share what God says to us there. Today, read chapter one. It's short. Read it again. What jumps out at you? What do you hear God saying? There's a lot here. Just focus in on one thought for today. Here's what jumped out at me today:

We saw it; we heart it; and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this too. Your joy will double our joy! (v. 3-4 The Message)

When you receive Christ, you find joy! The life he gives, the hope, the love is beyond anything you'll find anywhere else. But you get double the joy when you share him with someone else and help them receive him, too.

Father, though it's often frustrating when people don't respond, I'm going to continue to share Jesus with those who are still missing out. The joy of the one who says yes to Jesus is so worth it! Give me the eyes to see the opportunities and the people around me who are in such need of your grace, love and leadership. Amen.