Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Insanity Epidemic

Hey, I love reading the posts of you other guys. Thanks!

"At the end of that time, I . . . raided my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored" (Dan. 4:34).

Spoken by the King of the Babylonian Empire, a man drunk on his own pride and wealth and power, this statment holds the key to restoring all the empty, broken lives on earth! The most common experience of insanity that humanity shares is to lose one's sense of dependency on God. When we raise our eyes to heaven, sanity is restored on earth. Sanity or wholeness of life and mind is achieved--better yet, received--when people raise their eyes to God.

This story's theme resounds in the stories of the demon-possessed man of Gerasene, the Assyrian King in Nineveh (see Jonah), the lost son in Jesus' parable (Luke 15), Saul's Damascus Road encounter, as well as in the life stories of men I have personally known such as Johnny McDaniel, Eddie Rollins and myself.

Along with the king's sanity being restored were the honor and success of his life's work. My life will find significance to the degree that I remember to constantly be looking up.