Thursday, October 11, 2007

Trouble Free Living

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. . . . Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. . . . Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (Jn. 14:1, 27)

Jesus will go on to say that "in this world you will have trouble" (16:23), but we're not to let that trouble get inside our hearts. "Don't let it happen," he says. Tall order, but I've got to take that seriously. It's not being glib or apathetic, nor is it being naively optimistic about the human condition. It is choosing to trust God and receive the peace he is offering. The thing is that a situation can be humanly hopeless, but God is urging me to take him seriously. Why do we have such a hard time believing God will intervene? Looking through biblical history, God has a clear modus operandi of alternately making things look bleak (or at least allowing them to get that way) and then delivering the perfect solution at just the right time. Those stories are there for a reason.

I take it that God's utmost priority for my life is to teach me to trust him. When problems show up--and they will--I will respond by hearing Jesus say to me, "Chris, don't let your heart be troubled. I'm offering you my peace. Receive it, moment by moment."

Lord, teach my heart that, under your loving rule, all is well. Amen.


Creg Istre Family said...

You're right, we've got to take that seriously. We don't hear enough teaching on that verse. Think how much money could be saved on counselors & medications if we would take Him at His word.

Faythe said...

Most people don't really take this seriously to the point that they apply it to their lives. The steps we take on faith remind me of Peter walking on the water. As long as we look to Him and keep our attention directed there instead of at the "winds and the waves" we can truly overcome anything. He is our pilot and will guide us to the goal if we trust Him and it is according to His will. God bless you and your family! You are inspiring to so many others.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. I have read an excellent book on the subject - Living Trouble Free in a Troubled World by Lori Scherer -

which talks extensively to this.