Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tears Testify

Jesus wept. (Jn. 11:35)

Short verse, but long on meaning. Mary and martha were heart-broken over their brother's death. And they were upset that Jesus hadn't been there and prevented it. Sometimes we feel like God must not care. We pray and he is silent. We beg and he doesn't respond. We feel abandoned. It hurts so badly.

These simple two words that John wrote tell us something so important about God--he does care. We may not understand the "why?" of the pain we go through or the suffering of the world. But we can know that God enters into our suffering with us. He doesn't stand aloof and apathetic. His tears mix with our own. God sees our pain and it breaks his heart.

As I consider the immense suffering in the world, and I wonder why God doesn't stop it, one thing I can be sure of is his compassion.

Father, I know your compassion for people's pain actually far exceeds my own. Forgive me for the times I have thought myself more merciful than you. I plead temporary insanity. Amen.

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