Saturday, October 6, 2007

Uncommon Sense

Jesus answered, "...A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light." (Jn. 11:9-10)

Okay, simple enough concept. It's a lot safer to travel by day than by night. Who wouldn't agree? But what if you shouldn't take the trip at all? That's what his disciples were saying. They had just voiced their concerns about the potential consequences of his plans to return to the Jerusalem area. Something about the death threats had them a bit rattled. Just worry warts, I guess! I wouldn't have any trouble marching headlong into dangerous territory, would you? (Yes, I'm talking tongue in cheek.)

Jesus' reply turns the focus from common sense (don't head for trouble) to uncommon sense. That's what the life of faith really is. He sees a different reality than they do. He sees that his life is directed by God. The real danger, he says, is in not taking the journey that God is leading you to take, living outside God's will ("walking by night"). If God is leading him to Judea, that is the only path that he won't stumble on.

Discipleship is not a matter of common sense, but uncommon sense. Try to live by common sense and you will be totally frustrated as a Christian. Giving sacrificially, serving unselfishly with no expectation of payback, forgiving people freely, taking significant risks that take you outside your comfort zone for the good of others--none of that squares up very well with common sense.

I will trust that if I let God guide which paths I take, I won't stumble. The path may not be safe, but it will be the right one for me to be on. My vision will be clear. I will be walking by day.

Father, I'll go where you tell me and do what you show me. I'm counting on you to keep me from falling. Amen.

1 comment:

Creg Istre Family said...

Good thoughts. We learned about sacrificial giving through a miracle from God. Months ago we gave our big van to a couple at church who needed one because they are both handicapped. I knew God would bless us, but I didn't know how or when. When school started I started looking for a second car for us. I was thinking maybe God wanted me to look for a "good deal." I made plans to buy a used Saturn [which I couldn't afford] Friday afternoon. That morning I prayed "should I do this, how am I going to afford this car." That same morning a family from church was praying for God to let them know of a family that needed a car. They called my wife & asked if we would like to have their car. God's timing and blessings are perfect