Thursday, August 23, 2007

Heart Talk

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me. (Psalm 16:7)

A person who is seeking God and his will for his life, living in fellowship with God, spiritual antenas up, can expect to receive God's personal guidance. This counsel often comes internally. In these parallel statements from Psalm 16:7, "the LORD" is parallel with "my heart." In other words, God does at times lay things on our hearts.

How can I discern which thoughts or inclinations are originating from my own humanity and which are the counsel of God? God's counsel will always be in harmony with his written Word and will be confirmed through prayer. If my relationship with God is one of complete submission--a "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening" fram of life--then what he is counseling me to do will become clear. If still in doubt, I should seek confirmation through the counsel of godly people who themselves are strongly connected with God and have fully embraced his mission through a trusting posture.

Lord, guide me. Counsel me. Help me to hear what you are speaking to my heart. Amen.

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